Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Digital Age

It has been brought to my attention how out of date our web presence is.  It seems most of us as members are using Facebook to communicate with each other and to learn about Club events.  But, even our Facebook page has it's limitations. 

So now what?

Well, this blog has been locked to members only.  I personally would like to see it open to everyone.  This is a great place to share the trials and joys of being a mother of multiples.  It's a great place to tell stories, pass out information, sell items, recruit, etc.  For those not wanting pics of your kids here, we can keep Facebook private.  For now, anyone wanting to join our Facebook fan page has to ask permission.  But I would also like to open it up or do something different.  Right now on FB we have a fan page.  We really should have a business page.  When you write on the wall there, no one gets notified.  Plus, unless you're MY friend, you don't see that I posted something there either.  A new FB page with notifications would sure be helpful.  One of the great things about this blog is that we can have a link go directly to FB and to Twitter without having to do multiple logins and entries.  Wait, you didn't know we were on Twitter?  It's ok, I'm not sure many do, even though it was mentioned in the November meeting.

So let me know what you would like to see here.  Without your input, you're going to see a lot of articles that interest ME or stories about MY kids!  I want this to be a fun place with useful information and links! 

Jenny May Shannon

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Twin sleeping arrangements might be good to hear. How to balance time and energy with older kids, or new babies. Free family fun ideas! I hope we all are able to add a little bit of input, so we have lots of families perspectives!