Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Easing in to Fall

FALL is here!  To many this means Pumpkin Spice Lattes, leaves changing colors, and the warmth of a favorite hoodie while catching a football game.  And while I enjoy those things, I can also say this time of year puts dread in my heart.  I know you’ve been there whether you have multiples, a house full of singles, or even just a couple of kids.  This event is known as the changing out of the seasonal clothes.  As a frugal mom of three, I buy things on clearance at the end of the season, watch garage sales, shop local FB swaps, and
have been known to hide thrift store bags from my husband so he doesn’t see how much stuff I bring home.  (Sorry honey, no use in lying about it here.)  I throw these things in bins labeled with which season I expect the items to be worn or by size (ex: Girls Fall 2014, Boy 10/12) and put them in the garage.  

Like most of the country, our Midwest weather turned chilly quite early this year.  I can admit I was a bit excited to get the totes out for my girls.  I always forget what has been purchased and it is like opening gifts!  One of my 5 year old twins had grown quite a bit over the summer and was running out of things to wear.  I knew I had warmer outfits in just the right size.  I had also held on to things she wore last spring, just in case.  Well…I’m glad I held on to those things as they fit her twin perfectly.  As far as the larger things I bought…a total loss.  The girl is all booty and needs a bigger size in pants.  At least the tops and dresses fit!  So I’ve hit a few stores here and there (nothing new yet, gotta stay in budget) and have found very little.  I have a feeling most girls that age wear their clothes out completely!

But this wasn’t the dread I referred to in the beginning.  No, the REAL dread comes in the form of Mr. Sunshine returning to the fall party.  You know, where you need a winter jacket before school and are sweating by lunch time?  How do you dress for that?  You basically need access to almost everything you own!  In my house, that means a giant mess.  We
still have shorts in the dressers and sundresses in the closet, yet we have totes full of warmer gear in any corner we can make room.  Take that times 3 kids and the clothes take over the house!  Pretty soon we’ve picked through the totes so many times that they in no way resemble how they were originally packed.  And to make matters worse, my husband doesn’t know where he should put the clean clothes…in the dresser or back in the totes?  

This WOULD be a great time to just empty out all but a few pieces of summer clothing and just load up on the fall/winter items... 
And how PERFECT would it be to start tagging for the QC Mothers of Twins Club Swap coming up on October 18th
How wonderful would it be to have my stuff organized in advance? 
How nice would it be to make some money off these clothes?

But no, we will likely live out of totes until Halloween and pretend it’s not making us nuts!

For your sanity, I hope that you make the switch and don’t look back!

Monday, September 22, 2014

September Meeting Minutes

Unfinished Business-

Trivia Night-
Our first trivia night will be held September 12 at Sam’s Fargo in Moline. We need at least 10 tables, and by discussion it looks like we will have more that that! We are going to have 50/50, silent auctions, and raffles. We have several letters out to businesses for donations, and are looking for baskets, etc.  There are several people who don’t have a table, so we will be able to form a table that night. Everyone is encouraged to attend, even if they don’t have a talbe.

Reminder dues for all members are due in September.

October 18 at Bethany Baptist Church in Moline.  The church only have about 12-15 tables for us to use.  Called around for pricing to rent tables, and the cheapest we found was $4.90. All sellers are encouraged to hang as much as the can. Discussed several options for tables.

Fall Party-
The fall party will be held September 27th at Amanda’s house. The club will be providing hot dogs, s'mores, drinks, and a bounce house, and pumpkin painting.  A facebook event has been created. Please RSVP with the number of people attending.

Mother's Christmas Party-
December 4th at 6:30. Azteca will be catered. As always, ugly christmas sweater and gift exchange. A FB event has been created.

Family Christmas Party-
The YMCA in bettendorf was booked for the family party. It will be held December 6th from 6-8. We have the entire facility, and there will be a bounce house in the gym. Cookies and drinks will be provided by the club. Please bring your $5 gifts from Santa to the mom’s party.

Bylaws/tax ID number-
Being finalized.

Got a couple proposals for redoing and maintaining the website. Due to cost, and lack of interest, it was decided to let the website expire. We will try to utilize the blog more, and post update and events there as well.

New Business-

IMOTC- A rep contacted us about joining. More info will be at October’s meeting.

Member involvement- Discussed meeting attendance, Will make a survey to post on club page to see if day/time/location is a problem, and what members want to see the club do.  

Friday, August 8, 2014

August Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2014 Meeting Minutes

Past Events-
The annual summer swim party was a success. We had a total of 17 families, with 80 people in attendance total. Everyone had a great time.  White water junction was brought up for future years. We will look into that next for next summer, check availability and prices. In June we had a family picnic. 7 families attended.
Unfinished Business-
Trivia Night-
Our first trivia night will be held September 12 at Sam’s Fargo in Moline. We need at least 10 tables, and by discussion it looks like we will have more that that! We are going to have 50/50, silent auctions, and raffles. We are currently looking for donations for the raffle and silent auction.  If you are able to put a basket together that would be much appreciated! You don’t need to have a table of 8 to come.

Starting in september, dues for every member will be due.  If you have already paid dues earlier this year, or if a new member joins after september, you would be prorated. This will just make it much simpler to keep track. We talked about sending out paypal reminders and/or emails.

October 18 at Bethany Baptist Church in Moline. Amanda is going to go check out the space/confirm. We are going to start taking vendors. A flyer will be posted soon, as well as a facebook event.

New business-
Fall Party-
The fall party will be held September 27th at Amanda’s house. The club will be providing hot dogs, s'mores, drinks, and a bounce house.  Costumes are welcome! Amanda said her neighbors are will to pass out candy for trick or treating. Another idea was each parent can hand out candy.  More details and an event will be posted.

Christmas Party-Mothers/Family-
The mother’s christmas Party will be December 4th at 6:30. Potluck vs getting it catered was discussed. It was decided to have it catered. Looking for different suggestions for food. We talked about doing an angel tree or something similar as a club.

Trying to shoot for the first Saturday for the family Christmas party. Discussed the pros/cons between Monkey Joe’s and the YMCA. Because of time, it was thought that just have desserts/drinks would be a better option this year.

We currently don’t have a copy of our bylaws. We need to get a new tax id number since ours has expired. Kari’s husband is finalizing those for us. We are also going to look into The National Mothers of Multiples, and see if it is worth joining.

Lori has been keeping our website updated for years, but with a new job she is unable to keep doing it. Looked into using and calling around for prices for someone to build and maintain our website. We are going to try to do the and see how it goes for now.

See you at the next meeting! September 4th!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Pre-School Separation Anxiety...for MOM!

We have had a lot of discussion about separating our twins in school. I started doing some research. I'm not talking about statistics and what doctors say. Because really, most doctors are NOT the parents of multiples. I was looking for down and dirty mom advice. I read blogs about how great separation can be and ones on the flip side, the horror stories. I linked to my favorite at the bottom.

I've seen separation in my own home and it wasn't pretty...for ME.

They were separated for 6 weeks at the age of 3 in preschool. Their teachers had no trouble. They behaved "normally," and performed as usual academically. The problem was at home. It was as though they came home and became changed little people. As though they couldn't handle the fact that they were doing different things. They argued, they picked fights. My husband and I were MISERABLE!

They were finally put back together and things normalized. Peace had settled in to our home...well, as much peace as one with multiples can have.

Fast forward a year and we're back at making the decision to separate. Our fraternal four year olds now hold each other back. One emotionally/socially, the other academically. They count on each other to fill in the blanks when there is a deficit. While it's cute at times, it's not exactly healthy. I want my girls to have confidence in their endeavors, as we all do.

We're fortunate that they go to a school where they have 4 classrooms from which to choose. We had to think...and fast.

Sure, there was fighting during the previous separation, but they fight more now anyway as they have more opinions.

But they also asked about each other's day. They communicated. They got excited about what the other did. Nothing wrong with that.

They were also unable to tattle on each other. This had it's pros and cons as I had grown accustom to the built in accountability. But maybe now it will give them a chance to branch out to try new things without thinking sissy is watching.

They may no longer share the same best friend, but truth be told, I think they will always be each other's best friend.

So this year, we're looking forward to seeing what happens. We have a window where we can change back if necessary. For now, they will be in classrooms right next to each other. They will have recess and other activities together.

They will have different teachers and different aides, which means extra conferences, different special days and events. These are things I will likely have to get used to anyway. The dreaded different homework, different library day. But that is another article. Fortunately, this is JUST preschool!

Just breathe...and see what this mom has to say.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tis the Season for Questions

Oh how I love this time of year. I am one of the crazies at the stores at midnight, whether I need something or not. I scour the ads the week of Thanksgiving,

I print coupons, I make lists of things I want, lists of store schedules, and lists of where I hide presents.

Now that Thanksgiving is over and we're in high holiday season (minus the weather), my family only listens to Christmas music in the car. I think it's important for the kids to learn the songs I've known and loved forever. My 3 year old girls tend to make up their own words and tunes, but my 6 year old boy is really trying to learn the songs. But, learning songs requires knowing the words. It's not enough for him to just hear them and repeat them, he wants to KNOW them. Like, what they mean. Just a few days ago he asked me, "What is missle toe?" "What does 'balls of holly' mean?" and "Why do they say 'the NEW old fashioned way? It just doesn't make sense!" I nailed the mistletoe answer. After correcting the "boughs of holly," I gave him an explanation that, to my knowledge, was correct. Thinking about it this morning, I realized I may need to research it further. As far as the "new old fashioned way," I haven't a clue. I told him it's just part of the song. We've heard it a half dozen times since then, and his question remains.

So this morning on my way in to work, I was listening to these songs and realized there are plenty of things that could be questionable to a kiddo...and to me! Here are some I came up with:

1. Any mention of fruitcake. I think I can say I've never had it. I mean, it looks so gross! I can't possibly ask my kids to try it!

2. Figgy pudding, sounds icky, never had it, not pushing it on the kids. Just this weekend, I learned a bit more about it as victorian holiday specialty, but that's not enough to have me make it or eat it.

3. Mommy kissing Santa Claus. Isn't it bad enough we see so much infidelity on tv that we're too ignore? That being said, I DO like the song, but either you answer it with "Daddy IS Santa" or that "Mommy is a big cheater--and so is Santa," and neither is acceptable.

4. Scary ghost stories (The Most Wonderful Time of the Year). "Mommy, why are there scary stories at Christmas? I thought it was just Halloween." Me too, kid.

5. 12 Days of Christmas. Are there ANY two versions alike? I mean, I think I know it, go to sing along, and the kids laugh when I get the "lords a leapin'" and "drummers drumming" on the wrong number. It's a whole mess after 7 swans a swimming, which just happens to be on as I type this.

6. A birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray. Where they just hard up for rhymes for this? I don't understand throwing in a birthday in a song about a sleigh ride. Maybe it wasn't orginally a Christmas tune, just a winter song.

7. There won't be snow in Africa this Christmas. "Mommy, does it snow in Africa?" No, that's why there won't be snow. Ok, ok, not the actual sentiment of the song, but come on, we've ALL thought it.

8. And lastly for this season, my son loves to tell people about his Elf on the Shelf. More specifically, the fact we have 2 this year. People say, "I NEVER had that as a kid." How am I suppose to explain that one? I just finally came up with an excuse for there being so many Santas everywhere.

It's a lot of work prepping for the holidays without having to be all smart too. While I encourage their inquisitive minds, I need time to do some web searches before I come up with an answer. In the meantime, I'll go find out the real meaning of "boughs of holly."

I just looked, wrong again.

Much love from my family to yours

Monday, March 12, 2012

Taking Candid Pictures of Your Children

As parents of singles, multiples, or a combination of these, we all have struggled with taking photos.  I've asked Shuva Rahim to share some of her tips for getting the best results.  I would be better off just calling Shuva than trying to tackle photos myself!  Enjoy!  ~Jenny

Guest Post by Lifestyle Photographer Shuva Rahim:

Taking Candid Pictures of Your Children

What makes your children so special? Well, they’re yours of course. Isn’t that reason enough? Absolutely! So when it comes to really capturing your children in their natural element, (and by that I mean, no posing and no fake smiles) - there are some key things you can do to capture their true essence.

1.      Go down to their level. Children are always looking up. But meeting them at eye level will allow you to see the world from their perspective through a lens. And wow! What a world it is!

 © Shuva Rahim, Accent Photographics

2.      This is a big one... Ready? Have genuine conversations with your children when behind the camera. Translation: DON’T DON’T DON’T tell them to “SMILE.” Seriously, if you’re going for candid, natural, and un-posed this is the worst possible thing you can tell your child. The more your children hears the parent say “Smile” in front of the camera, the result will be year after year after year of fake, forced smiles which makes you wonder if they were in front of a photographer or a dentist. Instead, ask about what they did at school, play silly games with them, ask them to make up a funny food recipe or tell them to sing you a song. All these conversational pieces will gradually allow them to open up and reveal their personalities. And that’s exactly your photos will reflect.

 © Shuva Rahim, Accent Photographics

3.      Capture your child when least expected. Oftentimes we get the camera out only when children are very young or celebrating important milestones, such as a birthday or holiday. But moments of solitude can be equally as compelling. Take a photo of your child sleeping, reading a book, or looking out the window. These small innocent moments may not seem as interesting, but they represent your children’s sense of wonder and growing curiosity.


                © Shuva Rahim, Accent Photographics

 Shuva Rahim is a nationally published, on-location photographer specializing in children, families, couples and business portraits in the Quad Cities and Iowa City. Her most recent posts about her art and life can be viewed at  She is the owner of Accent Photographics –

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Welcome to the Freak Show

One of our newest members has newborn boy/girl twins.  Yesterday she decided to take them to WalMart by herself.  I know she was nervous, because she posted it on Facebook, but also because I remember the dread I felt packing my own crew up for the first time on my own.  In the beginning, many (definitely not all) new multiple moms have a bit of help.  Spouses take time off, grandma comes to town, or other friends and family live close enough to help.  Of course, in the first couple weeks, the new mom is often in a lot of pain, told not to carry her babies, and is sleeping a half hour at a time.  She needs help. 

But then reality sets in and she's on her own--sometimes with other kids, too!

The key to going to the store is planning.  I don't just mean your grocery list.  I mean knowing which stores have double seat carts, which stores have the cleanest bathrooms with changing tables, going when the store is less busy, and of course, parking near the cart corral.  Getting in and out quickly is always the goal of a mom, but even moreso of a multiples mom.  But, it rarely happens, especially in the early weeks and months. 

Once you're in the store, the planning really begins...quickly.  I personally found it easier to put two carseats in one cart while pulling another. Others put each kiddo in the top part and groceries in the main compartment-still needing two carts. Others push a stroller while pulling a cart. Whichever way you choose, you lose.  Face it, your shopping crew has become a freak show.  People stare, ask terribly personal questions (which I've categorized HERE), and some even take photos.  You would think that with twins on the rise that maybe it wouldn't seem like the circus is in town every time you want to grab some essentials.  You also have those that judge what's in your cart.  Oh, how fun!  In the beginning, the looks don't bother you, after all, you like showing off your little cuties.  But when you're just trying to get a few things, you don't want to spend an hour or more at the store.

I was told that the novelty of twins wears off at around 2 years of age.  I can say that it's been true for me, with the occasional exception.  When I dress my girls alike, we still get questions, but for the most part, people leave us alone.  I suppose they're not as cute anymore or maybe I don't look nearly as exhausted, or maybe...and this is a long shot, maybe I'm just better at getting in and out.  My girls are fraternal and barely look related, so that helps too.  With identicals or triplets, I'm not sure the novelty ever wears off.  These families, along with families with 4 or more kids, still get the looks and questions.

So when did the novelty wear off for your family?  I'd love to hear your experiences.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Are They Crazy or is it Just Me?

Most of us never imagined we would have twins (or triplets).  I remember as a little girl, thinking I would name my kids Jacqueline and Jocelyn IF I ever had twin girls.  On my first date with my husband, he JOKINGLY said we would end up with twins.  He may have been secretly wishing since he was older and had wanted kids for a long time, but I'm sure he didn't see it as possible.  They say "be careful what you wish for" and "God has a sense of humor," but those concepts really belong in the same sentence.

It seems the days I hear "I ALWAYS wanted twins" are the days when:
  • I left for work at 8 only to realize I had spit up on my shirt at 10:30
  • I found I wore 2 different shoes to Target
  • I can't remember the last time I showered because my girls were on different sleep schedules leaving me no time to eat, sleep, or breathe
  • I'm pushing 2 shopping carts and chasing a third kid cart in the middle of Hy-Vee
  • I'm begging someone for wipes because two kids had accidents and Aaron forgot to refill the wipes in the diaper bag
  • I'm feeding the twins in my arms and the neighbor has to come in and tell me my son has wandered 3 yards down, when I didn't even know he left the house
  • I'm in line trying to pay for groceries and the kids are attempting to take magazines off the shelf, eating candy bars through the wrappers so I have to by them, all the while fighting about what CD they want in the car

Why can't they tell me they always wanted twins when:
  • I've slept all night for at least 2 days in a row?
  • My kids are being well behaved and actually cute?
  • We've made it through a meal out without 4 trips to the bathroom?
  • I seem to have my stuff "together"?
It's possible those days just don't some fantasy land.

Actually, I know so many of you really DO have your stuff together.  We joke a LOT about how crazy our lives are and now abnormal we feel compared to our single friends or even our friends with "just" one child, but there are those that have very few crazy days.  

So how DO you do it?  What makes you feel sane?  

I know I think I'll feel better if I have a date night with my husband, and I do...for a few minutes.  Then I come home and reality sets in.  The kids are always better for grandma than they are for me and they are quick to remind me!  Then I think shopping with my girlfriends will be relaxing... then I get a text asking what's for dinner (when I didn't plan to be home for dinner) and I come home to dishes.  Or poopy pants to clean.  *sigh* not so relaxing!

So please share.  I know there's more to being a multiple mom than just madness!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Playtime vs. Winter Blues

 Sunday, one of my girls decided she wanted to dress herself.  I'm not one to argue when any of my children want to actually put clothes ON, so I let her go for it.  She came out in her swimsuit bottoms, no top, and just the right amount of sass that let us know we better not question her decision.  This gave big brother an idea, which led to our first indoor swim party.  Pretty soon, all three kids were in their swim suits dancing on a variety of blankets that were spread out across the living room.  They pretended to swim in the blanket pool and giggled in a way that only kids do.  I have a personal pet peeve about blankets being on the floor, so I cringed for a moment and looked at my husband.  We both shrugged our shoulders, turned up the heat a bit, and enjoyed the show.  It was such a great way to fight the winter blues!  They were so cute dancing and "swimming."  For a few moments, I forgot about the mountain of laundry waiting for me on the other side of the wall. 

After lunch, the girls decided they were going to be cowgirls.  We spent the afternoon shouting YEEEEHAAAWW while galloping around, still in their swimsuits.  The next morning, while on our way to school, they reminded me that they continued to be cowgirls.  One then decided she was also a pirate.  So we went from yeehaw to ARGGGGGG MATEEEEEEEY and back again!  Then they announced not only were they COWGIRL PIRATES, but that they also wanted to listen to "cowgirl music" on the radio.  While I loathe country music, I decided it was only fair to make two cowgirl pirates seem as real as possible.  I loved watching the pink coated, penguin hat wearing, self proclaimed cowgirl pirates as they did their best carseat dancing on the way to school.  What a great way to start the day!

It seems there is so much pressure in school these days that kids aren't allowed to just "be kids" and play.  We all know how much learning is done through play at the baby and infant stages, but after that, it seems that kids are forced into institutional style learning to stay above the curve, and sometimes, just to keep up!  I remember stressing about making sure my single had "learning games" and my mom would ask, "can't he just PLAY?"  Play seems easier when the swingset is available and the driveway is clear for bikes, basketball, and running around.  Now that winter has set in, creativity has hit a slump.  I love when they come up with their own characters, scenarios, etc.  We do our best to play board games, play doh, even active video games, but I still find myself questioning if they're getting worthwhile play.  Some days, they play kitchen, dolls, blocks, magnets, with few fights.  But most of the time, they want me with them every second.  I appreciate the love, but it sure is hard to take care of them (meaning food and clean clothes) if they are hanging on me or following me around.

So what do you do to encourage play?  How do your twins get along when playing?  Have you found that plays is easier or harder with age?  

A true imagination kit!
As bad as it sounds, some days I miss when entertainment came in the form of a cardboard box.  So easy, so fun!  And yes, that IS an orange pom pom!

For more on the importance of play try this...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Multiple Moms Get Personal

Are they twins?  (Usually to kids dressed alike)
Are they identical?  (One in blue, one in pink)
Better you than me  (We're only given what we can handle)

We've heard them all...

I was avoiding laundry earlier today and happened on a post on Facebook about how rude people can be when they see those of us with multiples.  The gal was at (insert place you go here) with her 3 kids, 5 and under.  An (assumingly) older lady mentioned how the mom "has her hands full."  While the mom commenter responded by explaining how "good" her kids are and thus not a handful.  Now I ask you, is it rude to ask about or even mention how full your hands are?

I'm sorry, but even those of my multiple mom friends who pretend to have their acts together will admit to having their hands full now and then.  Yes, we are ALL blessed.  Our kids are joys.  Our kids are loving.  Our kids make us proud.  But let's face it, they are still KIDS!  Being a mom isn't easy, being a mom to multiples can be backbreaking, terrifying, exhausting, troublesome, etc.  It's also underappreciated work and a job that needs plenty of support.  So when we meet those strangers full of questions, it may depend on if we're having a day of joy or a day of grief, as to how we view those questions and how we answer them.  I actually categorize the questions/comments based on the asker.

Asking questions or making comments that state the obvious, such as having our hands full, being blessed, or how cute they are can be annoying, mostly in their repetition.  The same can be said of the stranger who asks big brother/sister if he/she is a good helper.  But, the stranger doesn't understand that she (it's ALWAYS a she) is the 234,765th person to ask or mention.  In fact, I would say in my own life, that it's usually someone older, speaking from experience, and often thinking back to the days of having little ones at bay.  The comment/question is not meant to be intrusive at all.  She just misses those days or is thinking about how quickly the time went.  To me, these questions are not rude at all, but my response can vary to just smiling or to unloading about how terrible my day has been!

Another round of questions usually comes from someone who may also mean well but has some sick fascination with multiples.  Thanks to studies showing one in every thrity births is a twin birth, multiple moms are becoming less of a novlety, yet still a freak show.  They ask questions that are very personal.  Questions like "are they ALL yours?", they have dads in several states, some on parole!  I personally was told, "I do hope you're able to be home with them."  I wanted to tell her that "I do hope YOU'RE paying my bills."  Worse than that are the very personal questions concerning the conception.  They love to ask if the twins are "natural."  I've seen shirts that say "have you seen an artifical twin?"  While I fantasize about some day telling some sexual story about conception to shut someone up, I normally do answer the question, but leave out the "we weren't even trying and God has a sense of humor" bit.  But, I know many of my friends are offended by the question and have no intention of sharing such details.  Pregnant women often get this one even more often since the stranger can't yet ask questions about feeling blessed and so on.  They also get comments about how big their bellies are, questions about how they will deliver, and my favorite, "DO YOU PLAN TO BREASTFEED?"  Gee lady, can I just buy my groceries and get on with my day?  These questions ARE rude and really don't need to be answered unless you want to.  I say the next time someone touches a multiple mom's belly and asks "are they natural?" that the preggy should put her hands on the strangers boobs and ask the same!  Take a stand, ladies!

The third category of questions is a combination of the two described above.  I may speak for myself here, but considering the number of people I had approach me when I was pregnant, I highly doubt it.  This stranger asks all types of questions concerning sleeping schedules, IVF, sore nipples, baby weights, you name it.  She is the multiple mom or expectant multiple mom.  And we don't mind these questions.  We feel an instant bond with another multiple mom.  And we want to help the preggie figure things about a bit sooner than we did.  We love giving advice since we're sick of receiving it.  These questions/comments are very personal, yet reasonable. 

So if you're looking to ask a multiple mom something personal, be prepared for the dirty look, sarcastic response, and a reason for asking.  And know, we've heard them all!

Have a great week!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Some Swap Details

The Fall 2010 crew ready for the crowd!

Swap is meant to be fun, something social for us, as well as a great way to put some change in our pockets.  Unfortunately, something of this magnatude comes with rules and rule breakers.  While we think we have it down to a science, it may be necessary to review the rules documents, especially if you haven't sold in the past year.  A few quick notes:


  • Only members can sell and/or shop at member night.  Member night is checks only.
  • Bake sale items need to be marked individually or put in a basket with a sign showing the price.
  • Please bring plastic bags!!
    Bake sale items.  The homemade stuff goes first!
  • Bring a snack to share for Saturday.  We won't be ordering pizza since we close at 1! 
  • If you have a friend or family member who is helping with the sale and wants to shop early, make arrangements PRIOR to Thursday night, please.
  • If you are not officially selling, but want to bring large items, please bring them Thursday night or Friday before 7:30.  You still need to sign a contract, but you don't have to work the sale.
  • Thursday night set up is at 7, regular meeting time.  Contracts will be signed at that time.  It should be quick!  Helpers welcome!
  • Friday set up.  This is up to you.  I will be there no later than 5, but text if you need in earlier, as I will likely be there most of the day off and on.  All set up must be done by 7:30.  Then we will meet for a few minutes, do introductions, and shop.
  • If you are JUST shopping on Friday night doors will LOCK at 7:30pm.  We will not be granting entrance after this time unless arrangements have been made.  We've had the public walk in unnoticed and members sneaking people in.  The committee members are too busy with the sale to be the police.
  • Joelle, Susan L., and Melisa working to get tables set.
  • Saturday, please be there by 7:30 am.  If you can come earlier to help, you'd be my best friend (Jenny's).  I will be there by 7.  If you have found things to sell after member night, feel free to bring it before 7:30!
We have a lot of newbies coming to check out club and some are going to sell.  Please wear a name tag and introduce yourself.  You have a LOT to offer these women and they want to hear all about it! 

Here's the link to some documents.  The password in on the group facebook page.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Swap is a Comin' October 8th

So we haven't written anything in a while, and it's a shame.  But this is an info only post for members of QCMOTC.  This link wouldn't post on FB, so I'm getting around it.  Click here to get your swap templates.  Just download them, change to your last name and print on cardstock.  Of course, you're still able to use half an index card, but many are finding this easier.  Also, there is a sample of what the larger item/more expensive item tags look like.  Use a whole index card for this.  As always, you can use safety pins for clothes and tape for housewares and books, but you may also use a tagging gun if you have it!  It worked great last time.

We are also taking large items from members who just have a few things to sell.  Drop it off tagged and call to see if it's been picked up.  There is still a contract, but you don't have to work the sale.

A few quick notes, even though the rules will be posted too:
Swap is for members only
Member night shopping is JUST for members, no helpers.

Friends/Family can help with set up/tear down and shop early on Saturday morning.
Don't sell things in such a condition that you wouldn't buy them.
Remember your bake sale items, it's a favorite for our long time customers!  Bake cookies now and freeze them!
This is fun....really!

Oh, and if that link isn't working, here it is to copy and paste 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Free Family Fun Magazine

Two of my favorite things, saving money and Family Fun magazine!  My subscription ran out before the girls were born and I didn't think much about it.  I love the crafts and the cheap activity ideas for families.  I love even more that we can get it for FREE!  Sign up as a new member HERE and get a $5 credit in your account.  Then grab the National deal for Family Fun magazine or save it for something else!

This is a site like Groupon or Living Social where they have deals of the day.  This one is geared towards moms.  If you use the referral link provided, credit will be used to purchase something that will be given away here later! It's a win-win-win!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Frozen Food Month

Photo from article

This is frozen food month, meaning the best deal on frozen items is NOW! So many of us stock our freezers, pantry, etc. when we find a good deal because of our family size. Others stockpile for religious reasons or just to plan ahead. You never know if something might happen to you where you can't work or where you might lose your job. Having items on hand can give you peace of mind if ever a situation comes about and you have to rely on what you already have in your house. Or, what if a friend or family member falls on hard times? Wouldn't it be great to have a bag full of necessities ready to go? I don't personally believe hoarding unnecessary items is the way to go, but if you're going to use them and you can get a great deal, why not stock up? By great deal, I mean super cheap or even free! At the bottom is a link to let you know how long items keep in the pantry and freezer. I like to write the expiration dates on the top of everything. I keep a sharpie in a kitchen drawer. I also write dates on leftovers with a dry erase marker to avoid waste!

I love a good deal on heath and beauty items and cleaning products too. These are probably the easiest freebies to acquire, you just have to be patient. Paying for toothpaste almost seems silly these days! But there are also deals to be had on real food. So get your coupons out, check the ads, and find some great items for your freezer. Our area is harder without double coupons, but don't be afraid to shop different stores. You may find the best deal is at CVS or Walgreens, where you wouldn't normally buy food.

And let us all know your latest score!

How long does food last -

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Twin Friendships in the Teen Years

As I dropped off my girls in their new classroom on Monday, I realized how different they really are.  Sure, they're alike in a multitude of ways, but their personalities are so different that I wonder if they would even be friends if they weren't sisters.  One is very shy and takes a LONG time to warm up to new people.  She is also quite the diva when it comes to clothes, hair, and messy spaghetti hands.  The other is so outgoing, we're afraid she'll walk off with someone some day.  She loves playing dolls and trucks, she pulls anything pretty out of her hair, and she loves a good mess.  But these too are truly the best of friends.  They hug, kiss, hold hands, and say they love each other even from different rooms.  They watch out for each other.  One will bring the other a drink while the other searches for a missing blanket.  They complement each other well.  It is my hope that this continues.

While I was pondering this and thinking about getting my 5 year old ready for Kindergarten Roundup, I realized that the twins may not have this same relationship as they get older.  Maybe the outgoing one will leave her sister behind to fend for herself socially.  Some schools split twins so they get different social experiences.  At this point, I'm not sure if the diva could handle that.  Thinking back to Monday morning dropping them off, Maylee was crying while Mallory went and sat right down.  She hardly seemed troubled that her sister was crying.  At home, they would be comforting one another.  I started feeling a bit unsettled and then hit the internet.  What on earth did parents do before the web?

I searched for twin teens.  The teenage years are such a difficult time.  Personally, I am glad I finished those years when I did.  I hear such horror stories from teacher friends about how kids talk and what they do.  (Somedays I wish I could homeschool like my good friend Tiffany.  I haven't the brains nor the patience!)  I guess I was so naive back in my high school days.  Let's call it good parenting and landing in the right crowd.  What I found was article after article about twins being close to one another and being close to their families.  Sure, some twins hate each other and live to be such separate individuals, but I think for most, it's hard to turn your back on your former wombmate!  Check out this article from The Advantages of Being a Teenage Multiple (Book Excerpt from Parenting School-Age Twins and Multiples). 

How do you see your multiples progressing as they age?  What about your singles?  What do you think you can do now to keep the momentum going in the right direction?

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Yep, you read that right, Fathers(Families) of Twins Club.  While I'm sure they exist, that's not what our club is about.  But I think most of us can say that without our significant others, family members, and friends, raising multiples would be a LOT more difficult!  It's nice to get out of the house once in a while, even if it's just once a month for some.  Those with older kids may be able to get out a bit more, but older multiples come with their own set of comlications!  We all need help, even when we hate to ask for it.  So it's time to let them know they're appreciated. 

QCMOTC is hosting contest to find the best supporter in your life!  Whether it's your spouse, your mom, your sister, your friends, here's a chance to show him or her your appreciation!  Details will be released after our meeting tonight, but get those wheels turning and think of who helps you the most! 

There will be prizes for the winner and the person nominating them!

See you tonight @ 7pm!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Potty Training and Multiples

I've been asked about potty training by a lot of moms lately.  I guess I have a lot of friends with kids in the same age range.  Whether training multiples or singles, potty training is no easy task.  I do feel it's a lot harder on the families than it is the training child(ren).  Having multiples complicates things even more.  The timing might not be right for both children, they might learn differently, and some may have different ideas concerning cleanliness. 

When I started with my son, it was because I was tired of him always peeing in the tub.  He found it hilarious, of course, but it was time to take action.  Obviously, he knew what he was doing and held it in until he got in to the tub.  So at 19 months, I bought a potty and made him sit on it every night before bath.  It worked like a charm.  He loved his potty seat and used it for it's purpose nearly every night.  He was not ready for a full on training, but this worked for me for several months.  Right at 2, I started experimenting on weekends with training pants (cloth, not pull ups) to see if he was ready.  He had 4-5 accidents a day, making me think he wasn't ready.  Finally, at 26 months, it was time to send the "big boy pants" to school.  Fortunately, his daycare had a great half hour system.  Someone took him to the potty every half hour, just like at home.  He took to it immediately, with exception to night time.  The trouble was, number 1 was easy.  Number 2...he had other plans.   He would wait until he had a night time diaper on before doing his dooty.  I tried so many different things.  I didn't understand how someone who loved using the potty refused to poo in it.  I was told by many men that boys are very particular about their "business."  Nice.  So a few months before his 3rd birthday, and well past when he was dry all day and night, I told him that 3 year olds poop in the potty.  He had several months to get ready and he seemed to understand.  The day he turned 3, he announced that he would be pooping on the potty.

And he did.

Now my girls have been sitting on it since the were 16 months.  I wasn't trying to train them just yet, even though one of them used it right away.  Just like with their brother, I wanted them to get used to it and not pee in the tub.  Unlike dear brother, they just thought it was a toy and sort of fun to sit on it.  Fast forward to 22 months and one has peed several times and doesn't care.  The other wants to sooo badly and can't seem to do it.  She gets a bit frustrated with herself.  We decided a month ago we would start earnestly training as one was developing a rash with diapers.  Since that time, we learned they will be changing classrooms soon, so it's best to wait.  In that room, they'll get a lot more help with training, making it easier at home.  The girls love their pink "big girl pants" and always want to try to potty.  But I have a feeling my patience will be tested with them for the next few months.  Well, moreso than usual!

So here are a few links I've picked up that might help some of you.  I personally thought the deflector cup was necessary since my little guy gets a little chatting on the potty, but you need to find what works for you!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Monkey Joe's Fundraiser Tonight

Do your kids need an outlet for all that day-off-from-school energy?  Come to Monkey Joe's in Davenport from 5-8 and tell them you're with QC Mothers of Twins Club.  Not only will your kids get in for a discounted price of $5, but QCMOTC will receive 20% of the proceeds from that and concessions!  So come on out, have some fun, and support Club!

And yes, for those who have never been, there is a special area for toddlers and a place for parents to sit!  What a deal!