Thursday, February 2, 2012

Are They Crazy or is it Just Me?

Most of us never imagined we would have twins (or triplets).  I remember as a little girl, thinking I would name my kids Jacqueline and Jocelyn IF I ever had twin girls.  On my first date with my husband, he JOKINGLY said we would end up with twins.  He may have been secretly wishing since he was older and had wanted kids for a long time, but I'm sure he didn't see it as possible.  They say "be careful what you wish for" and "God has a sense of humor," but those concepts really belong in the same sentence.

It seems the days I hear "I ALWAYS wanted twins" are the days when:
  • I left for work at 8 only to realize I had spit up on my shirt at 10:30
  • I found I wore 2 different shoes to Target
  • I can't remember the last time I showered because my girls were on different sleep schedules leaving me no time to eat, sleep, or breathe
  • I'm pushing 2 shopping carts and chasing a third kid cart in the middle of Hy-Vee
  • I'm begging someone for wipes because two kids had accidents and Aaron forgot to refill the wipes in the diaper bag
  • I'm feeding the twins in my arms and the neighbor has to come in and tell me my son has wandered 3 yards down, when I didn't even know he left the house
  • I'm in line trying to pay for groceries and the kids are attempting to take magazines off the shelf, eating candy bars through the wrappers so I have to by them, all the while fighting about what CD they want in the car

Why can't they tell me they always wanted twins when:
  • I've slept all night for at least 2 days in a row?
  • My kids are being well behaved and actually cute?
  • We've made it through a meal out without 4 trips to the bathroom?
  • I seem to have my stuff "together"?
It's possible those days just don't some fantasy land.

Actually, I know so many of you really DO have your stuff together.  We joke a LOT about how crazy our lives are and now abnormal we feel compared to our single friends or even our friends with "just" one child, but there are those that have very few crazy days.  

So how DO you do it?  What makes you feel sane?  

I know I think I'll feel better if I have a date night with my husband, and I do...for a few minutes.  Then I come home and reality sets in.  The kids are always better for grandma than they are for me and they are quick to remind me!  Then I think shopping with my girlfriends will be relaxing... then I get a text asking what's for dinner (when I didn't plan to be home for dinner) and I come home to dishes.  Or poopy pants to clean.  *sigh* not so relaxing!

So please share.  I know there's more to being a multiple mom than just madness!

1 comment:

Ashley M said...

Well for being a mother of twins for 4 weeks now, i can say that when i get the chance to leave the house with just my 4 year old or even by myself to just return a movie or get a few groceries it feels good and i can actually take the time to catch a deep breath and when i return home i find i have alot more patience. :)