Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tis the Season for Questions

Oh how I love this time of year. I am one of the crazies at the stores at midnight, whether I need something or not. I scour the ads the week of Thanksgiving,

I print coupons, I make lists of things I want, lists of store schedules, and lists of where I hide presents.

Now that Thanksgiving is over and we're in high holiday season (minus the weather), my family only listens to Christmas music in the car. I think it's important for the kids to learn the songs I've known and loved forever. My 3 year old girls tend to make up their own words and tunes, but my 6 year old boy is really trying to learn the songs. But, learning songs requires knowing the words. It's not enough for him to just hear them and repeat them, he wants to KNOW them. Like, what they mean. Just a few days ago he asked me, "What is missle toe?" "What does 'balls of holly' mean?" and "Why do they say 'the NEW old fashioned way? It just doesn't make sense!" I nailed the mistletoe answer. After correcting the "boughs of holly," I gave him an explanation that, to my knowledge, was correct. Thinking about it this morning, I realized I may need to research it further. As far as the "new old fashioned way," I haven't a clue. I told him it's just part of the song. We've heard it a half dozen times since then, and his question remains.

So this morning on my way in to work, I was listening to these songs and realized there are plenty of things that could be questionable to a kiddo...and to me! Here are some I came up with:

1. Any mention of fruitcake. I think I can say I've never had it. I mean, it looks so gross! I can't possibly ask my kids to try it!

2. Figgy pudding, sounds icky, never had it, not pushing it on the kids. Just this weekend, I learned a bit more about it as victorian holiday specialty, but that's not enough to have me make it or eat it.

3. Mommy kissing Santa Claus. Isn't it bad enough we see so much infidelity on tv that we're too ignore? That being said, I DO like the song, but either you answer it with "Daddy IS Santa" or that "Mommy is a big cheater--and so is Santa," and neither is acceptable.

4. Scary ghost stories (The Most Wonderful Time of the Year). "Mommy, why are there scary stories at Christmas? I thought it was just Halloween." Me too, kid.

5. 12 Days of Christmas. Are there ANY two versions alike? I mean, I think I know it, go to sing along, and the kids laugh when I get the "lords a leapin'" and "drummers drumming" on the wrong number. It's a whole mess after 7 swans a swimming, which just happens to be on as I type this.

6. A birthday party at the home of Farmer Gray. Where they just hard up for rhymes for this? I don't understand throwing in a birthday in a song about a sleigh ride. Maybe it wasn't orginally a Christmas tune, just a winter song.

7. There won't be snow in Africa this Christmas. "Mommy, does it snow in Africa?" No, that's why there won't be snow. Ok, ok, not the actual sentiment of the song, but come on, we've ALL thought it.

8. And lastly for this season, my son loves to tell people about his Elf on the Shelf. More specifically, the fact we have 2 this year. People say, "I NEVER had that as a kid." How am I suppose to explain that one? I just finally came up with an excuse for there being so many Santas everywhere.

It's a lot of work prepping for the holidays without having to be all smart too. While I encourage their inquisitive minds, I need time to do some web searches before I come up with an answer. In the meantime, I'll go find out the real meaning of "boughs of holly."

I just looked, wrong again.

Much love from my family to yours

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