Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Meeting Minutes

March 5, 2009

Joanna called the meeting to order at 7:00

1. St. Patrick Day Parade
- Check blogs for times (see below)
- Decorations @ Kim’s house @6:30 Bring a snack to share.

2. May Banquet
- Will be May 7th
- Watch the blog for a poll on where to go.
discussion about even having these people sell during swap to the public for more money.

3. March of Dimes-
- Walk is April 25th in Bettendorf
- Jennifer is still team captain
- Goal is 2500.00
- Sign up on internet- Password and user name would be the same from last year.
- Chocolate Bars- The March for Dimes is willing to give us chocolate bars upfront to sell at the swap and all proceeds going to the team total.
- During the walk they are going to have a lot of children’s activities such as face painting.
- We talked about have a table at the walk for swap.

4. Announcement-
- Tanya Marx had her twins Baelynn Samantha 6lbs 8ozs, 20in long and Ethan Gene 6lbs 11ozs 20 in long.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:45

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