Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Meeting Minutes October 2009

Introductions (Attendance Sheet)

November Meeting -Decided to have the home parties shopping day again.- If you sell or know of anyone who sales for a home based company please let the board know so that we can get a list of who is selling that day.- In the case of two people from the same company we will go with the first one suggested. -We put it to a vote to allow a adult party supplier also come to this meeting. Everyone was fine with it. If there are other opinions please let us know.

Mother’s Christmas Party-December 3rd at the Deere house. We decided to have Adolph’s cater in again. -Bring a $10.00 gift to pass -Bring a wrapped gift for your child if you want Santa to give your child a gift at the family party.

Family Christmas PartyDecember 6thTwo suggestions were given. 1) Bettendorf Community Center or 2) Bounce place. The board is going to call around and get prices for the bounce places. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

January MeetingCouples pot luck was discussed. What are the feelings suggestions on this?

Swap Meeting - We went over all the rules and any exceptions.Voluntary set up on 10/8 at 7:00 p.m.Friday set up 10/9 at 6:00. This is mandatoryPre sale at 7:30 starting with a little meeting.Juanita is going to check with Hy-Vee to see if they would donate some bags.Please remember to bring any bags you have.Jenny offered to make uniform signs advertising the sale. The board placed an advertisement in the local paper to advertise the sale.

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